

砖可以是你家里的一个可爱的外观, 但暴露, raw brick isn’t always the best choice for your decorative vision. Knowing how to paint brick can let you transform any classic brick surface into the color of your dreams.


Brick is a classic exterior home finish, but can also be a rustic and charming interior accent. 裸露的砖墙可以成为一个很好的焦点, while a brick mantle or chimney adds old world elegance to a family space. 砖可以造出质朴的拱门, 作为厨房后挡板的好选择, 或为货架提供坚固的支撑. The brick in your home may be original to the structure as new rooms and spaces have been added and enclosed, 也可能是最近才增加的. 不管它的起源是什么, 然而, you can easily paint brick to update its look and add your own flair to the space.


It is important to assess the condition of your brick before deciding to paint the surface. Brand new brick should not be painted for at least a year, 为了使砖能够稳定和老化. 旧砖更容易上漆, but if it is already heavily chipped and damaged, the brick will likely continue to deteriorate beneath a new coat of paint and will need touchups in years to come.

Exterior brick can also be painted, but consider the consequences carefully. 砖是用来呼吸的, and painting over an exterior brick surface will lock in any moisture, 模具, or pests that may have invaded the brick or mortar already. During freeze and thaw cycles as the seasons change, this could lead to more extensive damage over time.

Should you later decide you don’t like the look of painted brick after all, it can be very challenging to remove a layer of paint. 大量使用化学品是必要的, and the underlying brick could become even more damaged during the removal process. Consider this carefully when deciding to paint brick, to be sure you are making the right choice for the look you want to achieve.

Finally, when you’re ready to paint brick, consider the size of the job before beginning. Smaller jobs can be easy to accomplish on your own, perhaps with just a few tool rentals to make the job smoother. If you plan to repaint a larger surface or the entire exterior of your home, 然而, consider hiring professionals to do the job quickly and efficiently, with the expertise to handle any unforeseen complications.


刷砖时,耐心是必不可少的, and it is important not to skip steps or rush the process or else the results will not look as flawless.

  1. 保护区域 -开始前, 使用抹布, 塑料覆盖, 磁带, 报纸, and other supplies to protect the surrounding area. 移除所有可以移动的物品, 包括艺术品, 面积地毯, and decorative objects to keep them from being damaged during the painting project.

  2. 清洁砖 – Both interior and exterior brick can accumulate a layer of dust, 污垢, 模具, 盐残留, and other debris that needs to be removed before painting begins so the paint will adhere to the brick more firmly. Use appropriate cleaners depending on the type of buildup, and scrub the surface carefully for a through clean.

  3. 等待砖干 – After cleaning, allow the brick to dry for at least 24-48 hours. 因为砖是多孔的, it will easily absorb moisture and needs time to dry thoroughly or the paint will not bond well with the surface. Increasing air circulation by turning on a ceiling fan or using freestanding fans can help the brick dry more quickly.

  4. 进行必要的维修 —砖或砂浆是否有细小裂缝, 用可涂漆的填充物密封, and allow the caulk to dry thoroughly before proceeding. More extensive damage or complete individual brick replacements may require professional repair for the best results.

  5. 应用引物 – Choose a primer specifically formulated for use on brick and masonry. Apply an even coat, ensuring that the entire surface is covered, including nooks and crannies. 在理想的情况下, apply several primer coats to guarantee full coverage over the porous brick, and allow each coat to dry before applying the next.

  6. 等待底漆干透 – For the best paint adherence, the primer needs to be completely dry before painting. Just as with waiting after initially cleaning the brick, improving air circulation will help the primer dry more quickly.

  7. 选择合适的油漆 -刷砖时, 你不仅应该选择你想要的颜色, but also the best type of paint for the rough surface. Elastodynamic paint is an excellent choice for covering brick, as the paint has greater elasticity to cover small gaps and spaces that are natural in the brick. 丙烯酸乳胶漆是另一个不错的选择, and gloss or semi-gloss finishes are often preferred because they will highlight the detail of the brick’s texture in any color, 另外,它们更容易保持清洁.

  8. 涂漆 – A paint sprayer is the best option for covering large brick surfaces because it will apply the paint evenly. 如果项目比较小, a roller with a thick nap is ideal for getting into the nooks and crannies of the brick for thorough coverage. After the first coat of paint dries, consider a second coat if needed.

  9. 让油漆干燥 – Give the fresh paint several days to dry thoroughly and begin curing before redecorating the space and replacing artwork and other accents. This will protect other items from paint residue and will help the odor of fresh paint dissipate more easily.

Painting brick can be a satisfying way to update a rustic space without losing the charming texture and dimension that brick provides. 知道怎么刷砖, you can easily refresh your space and give your brick a new, 丰富多彩的生活.